Any amount you choose to donate will help us achieve our goals
Whether you wish to give us a one off gift, a monthly donation, give an amount towards a specific monument or site, or leave us a small legacy all donations are gratefully received.
Ways to donate:
Donate Online:
You can donate online by using the button below.
Donate by Mail
You can post cheques or postal orders, made payable to 'The Remembrance Trust’ to The Remembrance Trust, Lord Warden House, Lord Warden Square, Dover, Kent, CT17 9EQ.
If you are eligible and would like to do so, please fill in the Gift Aid section below and send that in with your cheque. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH IN THE POST.
If you have any questions or queries about making a donation, please fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you prefer, you may email us directly at
Site and monument donations
If you would prefer to donate towards a specific monument or site, then please let us know using the form below. We will be commemorating especially generous donations at the site with a plaque so that your contribution is recognised.
If you would be interested in leaving us with a small legacy in your will please contact us using the form below or email us at To find out more about leaving a gift in your will, please click here.
founder members
We received initial donations from several Charitable organisations, Livery Companies and private individuals, including The Linbury Trust, The Wellington Charitable Trust, The Fishmongers’ Company, The Chartered Accountants, The Pilanesburg Foundation, The Sanderson Foundation, The Wyfold Charitable Trust and The Cayo Foundation.
We feel that it is very important to keep people up to date with our progress and will, in time, send a monthly newsletter showing our progress to date. A more immediate way of keeping up to date with our news is through our social media sites on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. If you would like to follow us here, please see the links at the bottom of the home page.
Donation form:
Please click the link below to download the donation form, including a Gift Aid declaration. Please complete this form by hand and post it to The Remembrance Trust, Lord Warden House, Lord Warden Square, Dover, Kent, CT17 9EQ.